0.9 Update Notes

After a while of fighting my own spaghetti code, the update is finally here! I was not satisfied with the current gamemodes, especially PvE, so there was a lot of reworking on that part, including the removal of the difficulty feature, with the goal of setting up a new system to add more interesting gamemodes in the future (hopefully). Even though most of the work went into untangling spaghetti, there's plenty of new stuff added too.

Tank Configuration

Separated Weapons

Weapons will no longer be bound to tanks and will act as separate items having their own inventory system.

Sharing weapons between tanks and switching them around to test out different strategies will be a lot less of a hassle.

Each weapon can have their own configurable stats and model but their colors depend on the tank they're equipped on.

New Power Limiting System

Instead of setting a hard limit on how much the stats can be cranked up, I've allowed all stats to be freely adjustable within their range except one which is untouchable. Basically this one stat will act as a "currency" for you to "buy" other stats. For tanks, that "currency" is it's HP and for weapons it's their Damage Modifier (which I just added in this update).

Not all stats are equal though, so some will cost more than others

Extra Weapon Types

Weapons can now have Raycast and Laser shooting styles beside projectile-launching.

Raycast is similar to Projectile with the only difference being their bullets travel to their destination instantly after being fired so the Bullet Speed stat is irrelevant and therefore uneditable for this weapon type.

Laser have infinite range and also hit the target instantly, but have more restriction to what stats can be edited, their Accuracy is locked at 100, Fire Rate locked at 10, Bullet Count is uneditable and the number of laser beams fired is dependent on the weapon model.

Of course in terms of bullet travel time these new types of weapon are unfair compare to the Projectile, so the newly added Damage Modifier stat will hopefully balance things out.

PvE Gameplay

I've scrapped the difficulty feature entirely and replaced it with gamemodes. There will be 3 modes, Property Damager (where you deal damage to win), Property Destroyer (where you destroy opponents to win) and the classic survival mode (now named Catastrophe Survivor).

The number of bots in all of these modes will be 2 and all the stars that spawn will be gold stars.

Due to this change, the gameplay statistics will no longer be separated by difficulty (and stats from LAN games will also be counted now)

Bot Rework

Smarter Bots

The bots are currently pretty dumb to say the least, so I've make the reasonable choice to improve them a tiny bit. Basically they will no longer turn around in circles and will use the weapon more effectively instead of wasting ammo into the air, this means ensuring line of sight and checking weapon range will be taken into consideration as well as basic ammo management.

Random Weapons

Thanks to the separated weapon feature, bots can now have random weapons each time you face them. Currently there're only 4 different weapons they can have, more will be added in the future.

Slow reloading burst rocket launcher. Low projectile speed, high damage.

A rapid firing shotgun. Low accuracy, annoyingly fast reload.

Long range burst cannon. Slow reload, fast projectiles and deadly damage.

Mid/close range suppressing minigun. Low accuracy, pretty long reload, painfully high ammo capacity (don't get exposed to this thing for too long)

To ensure fairness, Laser weapons and Raycast weapons with Accuracy near 100 will not be made available to bots due to their aiming mechanic.

New Models

  • Steel

  • Cutter

  • Gatling

Map Redesign and New OSTs

All maps have been redesigned and all OSTs are remade (because they simply suck)

You can give the new soundtracks a listen here if you haven't

Balancing Changes

  • Tank stats that will now be capped:
    • Damage (at 250)
    • Speed (at 80)
    • Repair (at 5)
  • Weapon Range configuration: 500-1000 -> 200-800
  • Reanimator: Resistance gained during Unflinched mode: 50 -> 40
  • Snowball: Damage requirement per Damage bonus: 7 -> 20
  • Antifragile: Damage requirement per Repair bonus: 5 -> 15
  • Adaptive Recharger bot: Armor 80 -> 60
  • Testing Ground acid pools: Damage 20 %HP/s -> 10 HP/s

Other Changes

  • Added flickering lights to the hangar
  • Phantom Sprinter renamed to Phantom
  • Rocket Launcher model renamed to Swarm
  • The Adaptive Recharger bot now use the new Steel tank model instead of Classical to avoid confusing it with the Stubborn Reanimator which already uses that model
  • New tanks can now be created with the new button added to the tank inventory instead of the "Save as..." button in the tank configuration panel

  • You can now rename your tank more conveniently by clicking directly on the tank's name in the configuration panel (same for weapons)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where some bots can't receive Shields from their Recharger teammate
  • Fixed a bug where bots get extra speed when you hit replay while they're in a wall
  • Fixed a bug that causes Stubborn, Snowballing and Antifragile to not properly reset their bonuses when the tank respawns
  • Entering the hangar will no longer play the clicking SFX


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