0.8 Update Notes


Solo Skirmisher

The maximum amount of bots you can fight at the same time is now reduced to 3 since 4 feels a tad bit excessive.

Additionally, the preparation screen will now show the difficulty level that corresponds to the number of bots you'll fight against instead of the number itself (Chill for 1v1, Inconvenient 1v2 and Annoying 1v3).

These changes are made so that I could implement some of the new features.

Free for All

The gameplay HUD will now update and show your placement among your opponents.

The top 3 players will also have little crown icon above their name.

Gang War

Gangs can now be truly at war with each other as they will have to compete to obtain Combat Points in order to gain victory at the end of the battle.

You can get Combat Points by destroying opponents and collecting Containers (more on that later). That means the cost of dying will be slightly increased.

Simply gain more Combat Points than the other gang when the battle ends to win.


  • Decorated the tank config and settings panels

  • Add SFXs to Active Abilities
  • Active and Passive Abilities now have icons for better representation

  • Added proper background for preparation screens


Star collection feature for Solo Skirmisher

As an extra optional challenge, every 15s while battling in this mode a Star will spawn at a random position on the map and stay there for 10s for you to collect, to do that you just need to stand near it for 5s.

The type of Star spawned will be determined by the difficulty (bronze for Chill, silver for Inconvenient and gold for Annoying).

All of the Stars you've collected throughout all of your battles will be display on the top right of the hangar screen.

Container collecting feature for Local Wild West game modes

Similar to Stars, Containers have the same spawning and collecting mechanic and are available in Gang War as well as FFA.

A Container is as valuable as a kill and grants you 1 Combat Point upon being collected, very helpful for climbing in FFA and for contributing to your gang's victory in GW.

Player statistics

Your gameplay statistics (damage done/taken, kills made etc.) in Solo Skirmisher mode will be recorded and archived.

These stats can be viewed with the new button in the hangar.

There are 3 stat screens dedicated to each of the difficulty level plus 1 as a sum for all of them.

More color customization

So far you can only customize the secondary color of your tank with the main color only be shades of grey and I find that to be quite limiting, so yeah, enjoy more color picking in this update.

New effect Aegis and the Info Dumpster

Similar to the Ghost effect which is just a keyword for "Immune to all projectiles and AoEs", the new Aegis effect is a keyword for "Your tank's Armor cannot be bypassed".

To keep track of all of these keywords and other gameplay-related features I added a brand new Info Dumpster that you can access in the tank config screen.


New Abilities

Fighter (Active)

Gain Aegis effect and 30 Resistance for 6s while constantly damaging nearby opponents.

Adaptive (Passive)

Gain 30 Damage while above 50% HP, and Aegis effect otherwise.

Abilities renames

I've found out that the easiest way to identify a tank is by calling it by it's Passive and Active Ability names because they standout much more than hidden tank & weapon stats and are more consistent than models & colors.

With that I've decided to rename some of the Abilities so that Passive ones are adjectives and Active ones are nouns so a tank's name can be in the form of <Passive Ability name + Active Ability name> and not sound awkward.

For example when I call a tank "Fortified Dasher", you'll know immediately that tank has the Fortified Passive Ability and the Dasher Active Ability, and it sounds objectively better than "Fortifier Dash".


  • Compressed Energy -> Compressor
  • Dash -> Dasher
  • Phantom Sprint -> Phantom Sprinter


  • Ferocity -> Ferocious
  • Fortifier -> Fortified
  • Last Stand -> Stubborn
  • Quick Repair -> Quick Repairing
  • Shatter -> Shattering
  • Constant Precaution -> Precautious
  • Snowball -> Snowballing


Precautious TNTank

Fast and damaging, it might not have enough health but it'll make up for it with constant shielding.

Adaptive Recharger

A tough supporting tank that will refuse to die.


Battle Roach





  • Shield efficiency: 75% -> 66.6%
  • Shatter:
    • Resistance reduction: 80 -> 40
    • Radius: 100 -> 200


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macOS 78 MB
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