Update 0.3

The new alpha update is here! I've made some changes to gameplay, added a brand new crafting system as well as redesign a few sprites

Here's a brief list of changes since the last update (more details below):

  • Added cooldown for the shelter entrance, you cannot go back to the shelter until the cooldown finishes
  • Added damage scaling mechanic for enemy robots, the longer you survive, the stronger those bots become
  • Added a new 'Armor' stat which will reduce the damage you take
  • Added new items that can help you sustain and upgrade your stats
  • Added a crafting system
  • Redesigned the shelter, some items and robot sprites

The new features are kinda, well, new, a few bugs might be hiding in there, so if you find one please report it in a comment under this post, thank you :3

With that said let's get into details of the changes

Shelter entrance cooldown

Before, you can go out to collect stuff and get back in anytime you want, the problem with this is there would be an exploit where players would get back to the shelter whenever they feel like there's too many robots and go out immediately afterwards to have a clean map. In order to avoid this, I added a cooldown for the entrance for which you have to wait before you can go back

However, the cooldown is only available after you go out the 3rd time, which means on the first 2 missions you still have the freedom to go back at anytime, after that the cooldown will be applied and keep increasing after each mission up to 50 seconds max

So on the 3rd mission the cooldown will be 5s, the 4th will be 10s, 5th is 15s and so on, but it'll never pass 50s

Be careful as this new feature can create some challenges especially when combined with the new damage scaling of the robots

Robot damage scaling

The robots have always been dealing the same 10 points of damage with each bullet which makes the gameplay pretty linear and boring. So I have made it so that their damage will increase depending on how many days you have survived

Yes, that also means that if you just chill in the shelter for several days without doing anything, the next time you go out those idiots can shoot you to death with just a few shots, so make the best use of your time if you don't want to take risks

With the damage increasing by 1 point with each day pass up to the cap of 20, getting hit by one bullet could be a very heavy punishment, so I've added a counter to this to give players a better chance to survive, the Armor stat!

Armor stat

This one is pretty straightforward, Armor reduces the damage each shot you take. Each character has a certain amount of base Armor to start with, with the highest being Duh Mass

And yes, it is totally possible to reduce the damage to absolute zero if you upgrade the Armor fast enough (although I highly doubt anyone can do that faster than the damage scaling rate)

"How to upgrade Armor?" you might be asking, well you can do that by giving your character special items that can only be obtained by crafting!


One of the crafting panels

You can now open crafting panels in the shelter to, of course, craft stuff, basically you can combine 4 basic items into 1 special one for stronger effects. Currently, there are 6 special items, 3 of which can recover HP and Stamina to help with sustain and the other 3 can upgrade Speed and Armor for better survivability

  • Metalic Soup: +30 HP
  • Energy Powder: +20 Stamina
  • Mashed Beans: +15 HP and +10 Stamina
  • Rusty Cake: +2 Armor
  • Electric Spaghetti: +2 Speed
  • Bean Juice: +1 Armor and +1 Speed
Select 4 basic items and click 'Craft'

The exact recipe for these items will not be revealed here as well as in the game cuz I find it would be more interesting for the players to find them out themselves

Some redesigns

And finally, with all the new stuff being added, I think some old ones should be redesigned to fit in better including the shelter, some UI, the robots and a few items

Final notes

That's all for this update, thank you for reading this post and as always, this is still an early release so any feedback or suggestions will be greatly appreciated and will help improving the game a lot :3

Hope you'll enjoy the update <3

-Immortal Pizza

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